How Do We Do It?
Through Research & Development
We conduct basic materials research (the foundation for our product development) at our Corporate research laboratories in Hamamatsu and Tsurami in Japan; whilst our product development, improvements and evaluations are conducted at divisional technical centres.
In such R&D work, a market oriented approach that grasps market needs from an early stage is fundamental to the NICHIAS development approach.
NICHIAS's strength lies in our ability to conduct fast development of products matched to customers' needs, by deploying our wide ranging knowledge of products, technologies, industries and end applications.
Through Quality Assurance
At NICHIAS all business divisions carry out quality assurance work so that we can deliver safe and reliable products. This is supported and underpinned by head office's Quality Assurance Department who undertake construction, improvement and maintenance of the company wide quality assurance system.
The origin of our quality assurance lies not only in the employees connected with manufacturing but also in each and every employee embracing pride in our products. Our employees work every day to provide safe, reliable products and services. They do so with a sense of mission to contribute to the development of industry and to support a comfortable society through the products they themselves helped create.
Through Corporate Citizenship
The NICHIAS Group fulfils its responsibilities as a company by meeting the needs of stakeholders, while using the groups Insulation and Protection technologies to provide products that are indispensable to industries and people's lives.
- Compliance Activities
The NICHIAS Group has established a regular Compliance Committee meeting process at each Group business site and conducts internal anonymous surveys of employees. The Group also work to root out any actions that may lead to compliance violations and has set up a Compliance Counter to act as a contact desk for reporting related issues. Multiple reporting routes for compliance issues are available, with the contact desk accessible from the main page of the company's Japanese website. - Contribution to the local global environment NICHIAS ECOLUXTM incombustible building boards and the NICHIAS SIGMA FLOORTM access floor product use >50% recycled resources and have obtained Eco Mark certification. By using fewer natural resources, these products reduce their impact on the environment.
- Contribution to local communities
NICHIAS actively participates in local events and activities to make contributions to local communities where it can. Examples include environmental conservation activities, volunteer work and regular cleanup activities around factories and other workplaces.