Ozone removal filter series Part 12. - Space velocity

Ozone removal filter series Part 12. - Space velocity

When designing ozone removal filter in a particular application, the technical team needs to take into account the conditions under which the filter will be used. An important aspect that determines the ozone removal performance of the filter is space velocity.

Space velocity is a concept that expresses the reaction time of ozone removal filter's performance. It is the relation between volumetric flow rate and reactor volume. On top of that, this measurement shows how often the filter comes into contact with ozone.

To calculate space velocity, it is common to use the following formula.

Space velocity (1/hr) = Air volume (m3/hr) ÷ Filter volume (m3)

The smaller the space velocity result, the better the ozone removal performance. This is due to a smaller value meaning a larger value in the denominator. In other words, the catalyst volume is large and the frequency of contact increases.

Of course, these calculations are an essential part of the filter design during the early stages of an enquiry.

Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on surf…

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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