Ozone removal filter series Part 14. - Humidity

Ozone removal filter series Part 14. - Humidity

Moisture also known as Relative Humidity is a factor that can significantly affect the ozone removal filter performance. In fact, it can severely reduce its performance if not addressed appropriately.

Ozone removal filter can use a manganese dioxide catalyst. The site surface that is active in ozone removal can become covered with moisture because of higher relative humidity. If the relative humidity is too high, it can result in decrease on filter's performance.

Therefore, knowing moisture levels in the process inlet is necessary during the designing period so that the relative humidity can be managed and corrected according to the application. In this way, decrease in filter's performance and potential damage can be avoided.

Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on surf…

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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