Ozone removal filter series Part 16. - Samples

Ozone removal filter series Part 16. - Samples

We discussed in previous parts why protection from ozone is important and what detrimental effects it can have on the human body. Due to that, it is all the more necessary for any company using ozone removal filters to test their devices before mass production and sale to public.

These tests should take place at the very start of the design process when companies are evaluating various ozone removal filter suppliers. Since it is difficult to guarantee ozone filter performance, NICHIAS encourages customers to use samples and tests those under their use conditions.

In fact, as a business we are used to adjusting to various required sizes and quantities of samples so that our customers can evaluate the performance under their use environment. This is not only the safe way to proceed, but it also provides a much clearer picture since NICHIAS test conditions are often different to customer's. By testing the ozone removal filter under customer's conditions, the evaluation is much more accurate.

Also, based on this data, NICHIAS technical team can then better adjust size and propose the optimum model further diminishing future issues with design or performance.

Throughout the sample testing period, the team is also avaialble for any questions to maximize the efficiency and gains during this period in the project.

Customers who are interested in using NICHIAS ozone removal filter are more than welcome to request samples.

Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on surf…

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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