Ozone removal filter series Part 6. - Adsorption

Ozone removal filter series Part 6. - Adsorption

There are two main methods of ozone treatment - adsorption and decomposition. In this article, our technical team looks at the adsorption method, how it functions and the benefits.

Adsorption is a method that adsorbs and removes ozone molecules from the processed air. The material most commonly used in adsorption is, for example, activated carbon. Activated carbon is impregnated into the substrate whereby, when in use, it holds the ozone molecules on the outside or the internal surfaces within the material. Due to that, this material may require more frequent replacement.

However, one of the main advantages of this method is the deodorizing effect favoured in the refrigeration industry. It also has a lower price compared to catalytic decomposition.

Our team will look at catalytic decomposition in the following article.

Adsorption ozone treatment method

Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on surf…

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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