Ozone removal filter series Part 13. - Residence time

Ozone removal filter series Part 13. - Residence time

In part 12, we have discussed space velocity and how it determines the ozone removal performance of the filter. Specifically, that the smaller the result of the equation, the better the filter's performance.

However, beside space velocity, there are other concepts that also indicate how good a filter's performance is. In today's article, the concept we will focus on is the residence time.

Residence time specifies the frequency with which the ozone removal filter comes into contact with ozone. In other words, it is the amount of time that ozone molecules take to pass through the removal filter.

In the case of residence time, the longer it takes the molecules to pass through, the better is the ozone removal performance.

Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on surf…

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Ozone removal filters are used in multiple industries and applications. This article focuses on the …

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